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Dairygold confirms May Milk Price

Dairygold confirms May Milk Price

17th June 2021

Dairygold has increased its May Quoted Milk Price by 0.75cpl to 35.75cpl, based on standard constituents of 3.3% Protein and 3.6% Butterfat, inclusive of bonuses and VAT.

This milk price equates to an average May farm gate milk price of 38.7cpl, based on average May milk solids, achieved by Dairygold Milk Suppliers.

The Quoted Milk Price for May based on EU Standard constituents of 3.4% Protein and 4.2% Butterfat is 39.1cpl.

A Company spokesperson commented that “We have seen some price fluctuation in global dairy markets in recent weeks, but overall, dairy markets remain reasonably strong against a background of milk supply and market demand being in balance.  As is customary, the Dairygold Board will continue to monitor markets closely and review milk price on a month by month basis.”